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Galileo Galilei Books
Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love
by Dava Sobel

Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love
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Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo
by Galileo Galilei

Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo
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Galileo's New Universe: The Revolution in Our Understanding of the Cosmos
by Stephen P. Maran

Galileo's New Universe: The Revolution in Our Understanding of the Cosmos
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- Galileo Galilei Quotes-

Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei
He was, at his time, not only one of the world's foremost astrologers, but a philosopher, physicist, and mathematician as well. For his astrological theories and his true support of Copernicus, Galileo was many times criticized by the church. Galileo is considered one of the first true scientists because of his system of hypothesis and experimentation. He found that Jupiter did have moons that revolved around it. He also discovered lunar mountains and valleys, and added on to previous discoveries of sunspots, which displayed the 'imperfections' of what was thought to be a perfect universe. (1564 - 1642)

I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him.
~ Galileo Galilei
It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved.
~ Galileo Galilei
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
~ Galileo Galilei

The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go.
~ Galileo Galilei
The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.
~ Galileo Galilei
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new.
~ Galileo Galilei
In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.
~ Galileo Galilei
The Milky Way is nothing else but a mass of innumerable stars planted together in clusters.
~ Galileo Galilei
I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with the Scriptures, but with experiments, and demonstrations.
~ Galileo Galilei
Facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty.
~ Galileo Galilei
We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.
~ Galileo Galilei
If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics.
~ Galileo Galilei
We must say that there are as many squares as there are numbers.
~ Galileo Galilei
What has philosophy got to do with measuring anything?
~ Galileo Galilei
So far as I know, no one has yet pointed out that the distance travelled in equal intervals of time, by a body falling from rest, stand to one another in the same ratio as the odd number beginning with 1'.
~ Galileo Galilei
It vexes me when they would constrain science by the authority of the Scriptures, and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and experiment.
~ Galileo Galilei
Nature is relentless and unchangeable, and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons and actions are understandable to man or not.
~ Galileo Galilei
To command the professors of astronomy to confute their own observations is to enjoin an impossibility, for it is to command them not to see what they do see, and not to understand what they do understand, and to find what they do not discover.
~ Galileo Galilei
Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.
~ Galileo Galilei
Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.
~ Galileo Galilei
Mathematics is the key and door to the sciences.
~ Galileo Galilei
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself.
~ Galileo Galilei
By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.
~ Galileo Galilei
Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe.
~ Galileo Galilei
I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
~ Galileo Galilei

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
~ Galileo Galilei
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Nicolas Copernicus
Nicolas Copernicus
Known for his contributions of modern astronomy. He was a Polish astronomer and mathematician who, as a student, studied canon law, mathematics, and medicine at Cracow, Bologna, Padua, Rome, and Ferrara. Copernicus became interested in astronomy and published an early description of his "heliocentric" model of the solar system. The heliocentric theory by Copernicus marked the beginning of the scientific revolution, and of a new view of a greatly enlarged universe.
(1473 - 1543)

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