
H. P. Blavatsky Quotes

At the age of 16, she married a much older man, and some months later began more than 20 years of extensive travel, bringing her into contact with mystic …

Giordano Bruno Quotes

Tortured and burned for his beliefs about the Universe. Bruno was an Italian astronomer, occultist, philosopher, satirist, mystic, and martyr. In 1576 Bruno left the city of Naples to …

George Washington Quotes

One of the most influential founding fathers and a beacon of democracy in a time where the military might be seen as more important than the will of the …

George Orwell Quotes

He was an English novelist, essayist, and critic. Throughout his lifetime, the great English author continually questioned all “official” or “accepted” versions of history. He is considered one of …

George Herbert Quotes

English metaphysical poet, orator, and clergyman. His poems are characterized by a precision of language, a metrical versatility, and ingenious use of imagery. Being born into an artistic and …

George Bernard Shaw Quotes

His education was irregular, due to his dislike of any organized training. He began his literary career as a novelist. Later he decided to write plays in order to …

Gene Roddenberry Quotes

He was an American television screenwriter, producer, and futurist, best known for creating the American science fiction series Star Trek. As a freelance writer, Roddenberry wrote scripts for Highway …

Gao Xingjian Quotes

He is a writer of prose, critic, translator, dramatist and artist. A number of his works have been translated into various languages, and today several of his plays are …