Dante Alighieri Quotes

Dante Alighieri Quotes

Dante Alighieri was the greatest of Italian poets, and, many readers think, one of the greatest poets that Western civilization has produced. He wrote the epic work Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy) in dialect Italian. Divina Commedia represented the cosmology and cosmogony of Dante’s day. Dante also wrote De Monarchia, a treatise on political science.

He believed that the purpose of government was to preserve peace and the best form was a world monarchy. According to his concept, universe was a perfect, hierarchal, intelligible cosmos. (1265-1321)

– Dante Alighieri Quotes –

In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.
~ Dante Alighieri

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.
~ Dante Alighieri

He who sees a need and waits to be asked for help is as unkind as if he had refused it.
~ Dante Alighieri

It is always those who are ready who suffer in delays.
~ Dante Alighieri

A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark.
~ Dante Alighieri

All hope abandon, ye who enter here!
~ Dante Alighieri

Art, as far as it is able, follows nature, as a pupil imitates his master; thus your art must be, as it were, God’s grandchild.
~ Dante Alighieri

No greater grief than to remember days of joy when misery is at hand.
~ Dante Alighieri

Be as a tower firmly set; Shakes not its top for any blast that blows.
~ Dante Alighieri

Beauty awakens the soul to act.
~ Dante Alighieri

He listens well who takes notes.
~ Dante Alighieri

Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.
~ Dante Alighieri

Follow your own star!
~ Dante Alighieri

It is necessity and not pleasure that compels us.
~ Dante Alighieri

From a little spark may burst a flame.
~ Dante Alighieri

Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The Eternal.
~ Dante Alighieri

Heaven wheels above you, displaying to you her eternal glories, and still your eyes are on the ground.
~ Dante Alighieri

I love to doubt as well as know.
~ Dante Alighieri

The wisest are the most annoyed at the loss of time.
~ Dante Alighieri

I wept not, so to stone within I grew.
~ Dante Alighieri

If the present world go astray, the cause is in you, in you it is to be sought.
~ Dante Alighieri

There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery.
~ Dante Alighieri

Pride, envy, avarice – these are the sparks have set on fire the hearts of all men.
~ Dante Alighieri

Remember tonight… for it is the beginning of always.
~ Dante Alighieri

Justice does not descend from its pinnacle.
~ Dante Alighieri

Small projects need much more help than great.
~ Dante Alighieri

Nature is the art of God.
~ Dante Alighieri

No one thinks of how much blood it costs.
~ Dante Alighieri

Go forth and preach impostures to the world, But give them truth to build on.
~ Dante Alighieri

O conscience, upright and stainless, how bitter a sting to thee is a little fault!
~ Dante Alighieri

The customs and fashions of men change like leaves on the bough, some of which go and others come.
~ Dante Alighieri

The more perfect a thing is, the more susceptible to good and bad treatment it is.
~ Dante Alighieri

The sad souls of those who lived without blame and without praise.
~ Dante Alighieri

The secret of getting things done is to act!
~ Dante Alighieri

Will cannot be quenched against its will.
~ Dante Alighieri

The fair request ought to be followed by the deed, in silence.
~ Dante Alighieri

I am searching for that which every man seeks-peace and rest.
~ Dante Alighieri

Come, follow me, and leave the world to its babblings.
~ Dante Alighieri

A fair request should be followed by the deed in silence.
~ Dante Alighieri

For what is liberty but the unhampered translation of will into act?
~ Dante Alighieri

There sighs, lamentations and loud wailings resounded through the starless air, so that at first it made me weep; strange tongues, horrible language, words of pain, tones of anger, voices loud and hoarse, and with these the sound of hands, made a tumult which is whirling through that air forever dark, and sand eddies in a whirlwind.
~ Dante Alighieri

For where the instrument of intelligence is added to brute power and evil will, mankind is powerless in its own defense.
~ Dante Alighieri

Do ye not comprehend that we are worms born to bring forth the angelic butterfly that flieth unto judgment without screen?
~ Dante Alighieri

We climbed up…until I finally saw through a round opening the beauteous things which Heaven holds. And there we came out to see, once more, the stars.
~ Dante Alighieri

Beauty awakens the soul to act.
~ Dante Alighieri

Worldly fame is but a breath of wind that blows now this way, and now that, and changes name as it changes direction.
~ Dante Alighieri

You shall find out how salt is the taste of another man’s bread, and how hard is the way up and down another man’s stairs.
~ Dante Alighieri

We must overact our part in some measure, in order to produce any effect at all.
~ Dante Alighieri